Case Study - FLSA - Plaintiff
Issue at Dispute -
Collective action Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuit in Federal court, Northern District of Georgia. The
suit includes hundreds of plaintiffs who work as hourly employees at a regional grocery store chain.
The plaintiffs allegedly performed off the clock work and were not paid overtime or straight time for
their work. Plaintiffs were paid nondiscretionary bonuses and it is further alleged that overtime was
incorrectly paid in the pay periods with bonuses.
Our Role -
We were hired by the plaintiffs' attorneys to determine the economic damages related to the unpaid off
the clock work and incorrectly calculated overtime paid. Time records were analyzed to determine the
hours per week each employee worked and the frequency of overtime violations. Payroll records were
analyzed and combined with the time records to determine the regular rate of pay, and the amount and
value of unpaid straight time and overtime. We attended and supported our client at their mediation.